


The two days of studying as a farmer soon came to an end, and the one that left the deepest impression on me was still ‘picking tea’.

That was the first afternoon of studying agriculture, and we walked for over twenty minutes to the “Zhou Yulong” tea picking farm. You should know that China is an ancient civilization, and the etiquette of brewing and offering tea to guests is essential. China is also the hometown of tea, and tea has a history of four to five thousand years in China. Drinking tea also has many benefits: it can eliminate fatigue, boost people’s spirits, and enhance their thinking and memory abilities The tea picking teacher first taught us how to pick tea: “When picking autumn tea, we should pay attention to ‘one bud, one leaf’, that is, when picking a tender bud, we should also bring a leaf, otherwise it will become invalid. But my heart has already flown behind me – that green tea plantation.



Okay, now you can freely divide into groups and go pick tea! “The teacher gave an order, and I grabbed Fu Chenyan and ran towards the tea picking ground. Wow! There are so many tea leaves here, they have just sprouted and grown vigorously in the sunlight! Hurry up, there’s a lot of tea here! “” That’s great, I picked another piece. “The cheers from my classmates kept coming one after another, and I finally woke up. I quickly bent down with Fu Chenyan and focused on picking. But this tea picking job sounds easy, but it’s really difficult to take action. At first, I couldn’t pick the tea well either because I couldn’t find it or because I had separated the buds and leaves. But Fu Chenyan picked it quite quickly. Look! She was holding a basket of tea leaves in one hand, bending down and searching for fresh tea leaves in her eyes. With the other hand, she grabbed the tea leaves and picked them, looking really like a professional ‘tea farmer’! Seeing that other members of the group were all enjoying themselves, I quickly sought her advice. Actually, it’s not very difficult to pick tea. Look at the buds and leaves, grab the roots, pick them, and do them a few more times. Practice makes perfect! “Oh, so that’s it. I nodded and went to search for new tea leaves.

Eh? There seems to be a large area there! I walked over and, as she said, found a tender bud and a leaf. With a gentle pick, a piece of tea was picked. Gradually, gradually, we had more and more tea in our basket. Practice makes perfect, and we could succeed in everything by doing more. Let’s take a look at other groups: Dong Yating is busy picking tea while greeting her team members; Gu Qi didn’t care about anything and was busy bowing her head to pick tea. She looked like a tea picking girl like that; Zhang Yuchen exclaimed in surprise, realizing that there was a large spider web ahead.



Soon, an hour passed and our class picked a total of four pounds and four taels of tea.

This agricultural activity not only allowed us to experience the joy of being close to nature, but also reaped the joy of agricultural work! What a loaded return!




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