






看看窗外,还是很温暖的阳光,秋高气爽的蓝天白云 。秋风只是凉了一些,燕子还在枝头叽叽喳喳的叫着,我想,也许它们是在商量何时启程,飞去南国躲避严寒吧。近处的花草,欣然的接受着秋风的馈赠,把以往娇媚的容颜结痂打籽,在秋天的凉风里,酝酿下一季的春暖花开。田野的的高粱笑红了脸,像一位待嫁的新娘,羞答答的在枝头抿着嘴。一片片稻田,金灿灿的在秋风里舞蹈,急切切的盼望着走进主人的家门,入仓欢笑。



































Wake up after a nap, make a cup of light tea for yourself, choose a piece of music, and relax the thoughts that are not so messy.

Drink a mouthful of tea, lips and teeth between the light fragrance of tea, can not help but drink again. Listening to the music, the heart is like the sincere feelings in the music, inadvertently go far.

Look out the window, still very warm sunshine, crisp autumn blue sky and white clouds. The autumn wind is just cool, the swallows are still chirping in the branches, I think, maybe they are discussing when to leave, fly to the south to avoid the cold. Nearby flowers and plants, gladly accept the gift of the autumn wind, the past charming face scab seeds, in the autumn breeze, brewing the next season of spring flowers. The sorghum in the field smiled red, like a bride to be married, shyly pursing her mouth in the branches. A piece of rice fields, golden dancing in the autumn wind, eagerly looking forward to entering the master’s door, into the warehouse laughter.

Staring at the brilliant autumn colors in front of my eyes, although I have lost the flowers, but it is not desolate, not sad, not bleak. Because this is the season of ripening, because this is the season of harvest. Such a season is full of joy, such a season is full of laughter, is incomparable to any other season. Who said the autumn wind bleak autumn grass yellow, I said autumn win spring tide. You see, in the gradually rich autumn color, from the orange-yellow dots to the Wanli mountains and rivers, which is not the ripe fruit, which is not the joy of harvest. The season is passing by, the years round by round, year after year spring grass green, year after year autumn grass yellow, spring sowing and autumn harvest smile.

No need to travel in this season. As long as a quiet, elegant, peaceful, no desire, no contention of the state of mind, enjoy the stability of the world, the quiet years of good. Sit alone in a corner, cook a cup of light tea, listen to a soothing music, taste a Tang poem or Song Ci, and then write about the state of mind at this moment, such a good day, listen to the wind and rain, idle to see the fallen flowers. Tea invite autumn wind, with me to paint Emei, enjoy chrysanthemums see flowers and yellow.

Heart with gentle music, peaceful, light, soothing… This season, white clouds, like the flowers of memory, open in the ferry for years. Heart window open, distant fall full of fireworks past, with Zen heart of the complex of cloud water, poured into a cup of light tea in the autumn, a song slowly music. Thin autumn sun, the past quiet and distant, quietly in the bottom of my heart distributed in the past happy, quietly across the heart sea.

In the north, when it comes to bananas, everyone knows it, but when it comes to plantains, there is some confusion about what kind of plants they are. Plantain, as far as I am concerned, I only know it is a kind of plant, which often appears in Tang poems and Song poems. “The wind falls, the night rain even dark clouds, drops, under the window under the plantain lamp guests.” “Autumn wind, rain and phase, outside the curtain of plantains three or two, night long people how?” “Red cherries, green plantains…” I thought, plantain should be very beautiful, or why always appear in the Tang poetry Song Ci, said is plantain, not bananas? So, with some curiosity, I started asking:

Does the plantain flower?


Does the plantain bear fruit?

Fool, of course the plantain takes the fruit, otherwise it is called the plantain instead of the banana.

Then why haven’t I heard that they sell plantains? Can the fruit be eaten?

Because plantains and bananas are somewhat similar, people confuse them.

You mean edible? They’re similar?

I got the wrong look, and I know the answer.

Bananas, taste sweet. In terms of color, bananas are green when they are immature and turn yellow with brown spots when they are ripe. The flesh is yellowish-white and nearly round in cross section. Banana, slightly sweet with a sour finish. The peel of the banana is grayish yellow without spots after maturity, and the cross section is oblate.

At this time, a little tea in the cup has cooled, the music is playing in a loop, I am speechless…

It turns out that a feeling has been gentle in the wind of the four seasons, and it seems to live quietly in my heart. Look at the eyes have not gorgeous leaves about to fall, really some worry, time is old, I will become a yellow flower, pale in late autumn, let the autumn frost dyed white hair, the most cruel thing in the world, is like flying time. Always like a person, filled with the quiet room, will be full of loneliness.

Know, has been the passage of time, although the kind of initial reading is still in the bottom of my heart, the moment is not a piece of wind and snow. But it has nothing to do with love, just miss it. You see, there is a fallen leaf, slipped in the autumn wind. I want to go over, pick it up, give it the warmth of my hand. Saw the posture of the fallen leaves, let the autumn wind blow the leaves slowly falling. Just like this life, there are many things, can not be you, then only let nature take its course.

Sitting on an autumn day like this, drinking tea, listening to music. There is the past floating in my mind, and quietly slipped away. Sitting on an autumn day like this, drinking tea, listening to music. There is the past floating in my mind, and quietly slipped away. Outside the window blowing slightly cool wind, falling flowers full of paths. Although it is chrysanthemum numerous crab fat, but the core cold sweet cold butterfly difficult to come. Quietly settle in a corner, with words comfort heart. Cook a cup of tea, listen to a piece of music, write a clean and refreshing text. In a leaf, the light smell of a period of time, any Hualian beating years of memory. In the years ahead, there seems to be a little warmth in the heart, will revel in a long-lost touched. In the autumn wind, I seem to see the next season of spring flowers, I saw the branches of the new green, graceful full of treetops. I saw the trees full of flowers, charming and sweet holding branches and smiling, spring flowers render a path of vermiline. So, you just wait for me in the spring, okay?


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上一篇 2023年11月10日 上午8:07
下一篇 2023年11月10日 上午8:08









