









Inadvertently, opening old photos, the same things, the same people, but different thoughts, different languages. Time flies, rushing like water, washing away many young memories, but unable to wash away my forever remembered young friend, that touch of emerald green tea.


I still remember when I was a child, the tea mountains standing next to my hometown. I always like to go up the mountain with my grandparents to raise tea, and the fragrance of tea permeates almost all of my childhood. Picking tea is the most anticipated moment of the year for me, and even if it’s a tough time with my grandparents, I definitely want to go to the tea mountain. Standing at the foot of the tea mountain and looking up, rows of neatly arranged tea bushes looked down on me like soldiers guarding the holy land in my heart, which made me feel a sense of admiration. Starting to climb up the mountain, the tea bushes became green elves again, dancing and playing in the mountains. Whenever this happens, I can’t help but walk into one of the tea bushes, as if afraid of disturbing them. I gently select a tender green leaf and place it on my nose to sniff, immersing myself wholeheartedly in the tea flavor. The process of picking tea can be said to be dry and tasteless, and searching for fresh and newly sprouted leaves among clumps of tea leaves is extremely enjoyable for me. Gently prying open the layer of leaves and searching for the hidden tender leaves, it’s more like playing hide and seek with them. You hide and I hide, isn’t it pleasant. Old tea leaves cannot be picked, but I happen to like those old leaves. The dark green leaves exude a hint of new green, and mature with a hint of playfulness, resembling a cultural figure who is discussing scriptures with me. The tea flavor of that old tea is also beloved by me. Taking a piece and putting it in my mouth, it tastes bitter and astringent, but also has the unique charm of that mountain.


My favorite is still tea in the rain. The tea mountain, surrounded by drizzling rain, is shrouded in a thin layer of smoke, which looks like a fairyland from afar, faintly visible and mysterious. The tea seems to be absorbing the essence of nature, and even the thin tea fragrance in the air is refreshing. Tea Mountain in the rainstorm has a different style. The magnificent momentum can not stop anything. Standing in front of me, it gives me countless shocks. When the rain stopped, the tea people seemed to relax and absorb the essence. The tea fragrance in the air was gradually becoming thicker, and the tea on the mountain was greener. It was green to my eyes and heart, which made me want to get close to them, touch them, and taste them. The tea leaves with raindrops have a more lingering charm. They are gently put into my mouth, adding more moisture and sweetness from the rain, masking the bitterness and bitterness of the tea, and making my heart light up, soaking in the fragrance of this mountain tea.


Closing the album inevitably added some melancholy, and the heart that had not returned home for a long time began to beat again. I have made up my mind to go home and see the path I took when I was young to pick tea, the tea mountains in my memory, and whether the mountains are still green.


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上一篇 2023年11月11日 上午10:41
下一篇 2023年11月11日 上午10:42









