
(威Q电185-8485-8556)您的满意,我的追求 ,日常生活,尽管商品经济和心理特征不一样,决策了每一个人对幸福的定义皆有不一样。

(威Q电185-8485-8556)您的满意,我的追求 ,日常生活,尽管商品经济和心理特征不一样,决策了每一个人对幸福的定义皆有不一样。





“素胚勾勒出青花笔峰浓转淡,瓶身描绘的牡丹一如你初妆。”经过世俗的洗涤,我们都是京剧高手。身着戏服,脸抹浓妆,动人的眼神,醉人的歌喉,只为演一场为别人称赞的好戏。戏台上我们赢得了满堂彩,回到后台卸下妆容,还来不及看一眼自己,又匆匆描眉施粉回到戏台。我们已不知换了多少张面具,已记不清面具下最初的 面容是什么模样了。





It’s better to pour a cup of tea and play a song in the drizzling dusk than to sit on the sofa and watch boring TV dramas. How comfortable it is to savor the charm alone.


It’s Jay Chou’s “Blue and White Porcelain”, one of my favorite songs with the most Chinese flavor. The beautiful melody sounded, and what drifted into my ears was “the sky is blue waiting for smoke and rain, while I am waiting for you”. Gently took a sip of tea and savored the meaning of the lyrics. In a daze, I also seem to feel like waiting for someone, someone familiar and unfamiliar. The smoke from the kitchen is curling up, thousands of miles across the river. She and I seem to be also thousands of miles away, but we can see each other.


The Su embryo outlines the peak of the blue and white brush that turns from thick to light, and the peonies depicted in the bottle are like your first makeup. “After being washed by worldly customs, we are all experts in Beijing Opera. Dressed in costumes, with heavy makeup on her face, captivating eyes, and a captivating singing voice, she only wanted to perform a good performance that was praised by others. On the stage, we won a full house of applause and went back to the stage to remove our makeup. Before we could even catch a glimpse of ourselves, we hastily brushed our brows and applied powder back to the stage. We no longer know how many masks we have changed, and we can’t remember what the initial face beneath the mask looked like.


The moonlight was picked up and the ending was blurred. “Only oneself understands us, isn’t the person I am waiting for the real me? Your beauty is drifting away, to places I cannot go. “She was forgotten by me, drifting away with the wind, and only the wind knows where she has gone. She can go with the wind and come with it. As long as we tear off the mask on our faces, won’t she come? Coming like the wind.


In splash-ink landscape painting, you are hidden from the depths of the ink. In heavy makeup and light application, she is deeply hidden. Only after the baptism of time can she slowly reveal her appearance. And we can only withdraw from the stage when we are old, because we have already underestimated fame and fortune. On the brink of death, fame and fortune are no longer important, and the happiness of one’s own life is the most important. The reason why elderly people are respected is because they are smarter and more authentic than us.


The sky is blue and waiting for rain, while I am waiting for you. “To wait for you, it’s better to” retire “from now on and be a true and happy self. Looking up at the sky at 45 degrees and saying to yourself, ‘You’re back.’ No matter what others say, it’s best to be yourself.


At the end of a song, the tea was consumed, and my thoughts were swept away.






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