
(威Q电185-8485-8556)您的满意,我的追求 ,日常生活,尽管商品经济和心理特征不一样,决策了每一个人对幸福的定义皆有不一样。

(威Q电185-8485-8556)您的满意,我的追求 ,日常生活,尽管商品经济和心理特征不一样,决策了每一个人对幸福的定义皆有不一样。




















Communicating life with tea is a reflection within the purple clay pot;


Gazing at life with tea is the realization in a white porcelain cup;


Living together with tea is a pleasure in the Bibotan;


Talking about success or failure with tea is a release of the mist of tea.


A pinch of fragrant leaves, a stream of boiling water, and a graceful smoke accompanied by the fragrance of tea, overflowed from the cup and spread out again. In this way, I fell in love with this spiritual creature, joined hands with it, socialized with it, and interpreted the philosophy of the world together with it.


Interacting with tea has taught me the true meaning of life. Tea, only the hot spring water can release its rich essence and restore its spiritual energy that combines heaven and earth. Life is like this pot of tea. Only by experiencing the scorching fire of setbacks and the enduring hardships of rebirth can one shine with the most exciting and brilliant success in life. I greedily sniffed the aroma of tea emanating from the spout of the kettle, and a calm voice lingered in my ear. The interpretation of tea was, “Floating life is like tea


Interacting with tea has made me understand the meaning of life. I gazed at the transparent tea, “Your green body has turned into a dark dry piece. After several times of brewing, you will lose your own value. Don’t you regret it?” A passionate voice told me, “I don’t regret it. My little body has treasured the soul of the mountain mist and condensed the essence of the sun and the moon. Even if everything is lost after brewing, my fragrance, my sweetness, my enthusiasm and even my soul will live forever in the world.” Yes! Since your life is so colorful, why worry about getting old?


Interacting with tea has allowed me to enjoy the beauty of life. Tea is sifted into a white porcelain cup drop by drop, and circles of clear tea ripple and swirl in the cup. Tea ends, singing and dancing softly in this vast blue wave. Tasting this cup of good tea, the sweetness seeped into my throat, melted open, and seeped into my heart. Leaning against the window, perhaps the books next to him were also overshadowed. Tea, quietly smiling.


Interacting with tea has allowed me to see through the success or failure of the world. Whether success or failure, in front of tea, everything naturally becomes natural. I heard an ethereal voice: ‘Do you see that curl of tea smoke? The smoke is filled with all my beauty, it is the most intoxicating thing. But when my soul is eternal in the world, it has already drifted away in the sky. Let all your fame and fortune go with it! Remember,’ Whether it’s right or wrong, turn your head to empty, and the sunset turns red a few times. ” I suddenly understood that success lies in my heart, failure lies in my heart, and when my heart has faced everything calmly, There will be no success or failure.


Tea grows in the mountains, storing the energy of the sun, moon, rain, and dew, and storing the spirit of the stars in heaven and earth. A few green shoots and tender leaves; A cup of tea, a wisp of smoke. Coming and going with tea, suddenly I found myself becoming wise.


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上一篇 2023年11月11日 上午10:52
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