











Unconsciously, tea, this “friend” has been accompanying me for over a decade. Unconsciously, it took root and sprouted in my childhood memories; Unconsciously, it became my “witness” from being naive and childlike to gradually mature and steady. It often emits a refreshing fragrance that fascinates me and makes me fall for it. I can no longer “abandon” it – my “old friend”, tea. Our ‘social’ history is quite long, please listen to me along.


So, what is that hazy shadow doing? That’s a small seed planted in childhood memories, right. I vaguely remember my grandmother always busy picking, making, drying, and collecting tea during the annual tea harvesting season. In this seemingly simple but actually complex process, the sweat and hard work put in makes me cherish these tea leaves even more. Once, my grandmother went out to water the rice and left me alone at home. As a small person, I had to fetch tea from a table that was level with me. It was not easy, but the desire to drink tea forced me to use my brain to find a way. I don’t know how many brain cells died before I finally satisfied with the tea.


When I grew up and went to elementary school, my desk mate knew that I liked drinking tea, and her family also sold tea. Therefore, we came together with the same purpose. We often drink tea together and eat Dim sum made of tea… In the field of tea, my deskmate and I have mastered a rule: tea with deep color has a taste that is difficult to taste, so only by drinking it slowly can we appreciate it bit by bit; Light colored tea is like a popular delicacy, you can tell the taste at a glance. Look, do we have a lot of research?


After several years of not returning to my grandmother’s house, I took advantage of the summer vacation in the first year of junior high school to revisit my hometown! That familiar room has traces of my past existence; That delicious dish has the same taste as before; Of course, I also tasted the fragrant tea with a fragrance that still captivates me. Returning to my hometown changed my original “longing” into “action”: one afternoon, it seemed like I was back when I was a child. I followed my grandmother and went to pick tea with her. We stood together under the poisonous sun, enduring the “attack” of mosquitoes, picking down the tender buds one by one. Afterwards, it was already dusk and we returned home. My grandmother set up a big pot and stir fried the tea leaves. After they were cooked, they were sun dried. The ultimate outcome, of course, is that I have taken the tea into my pocket.


Tea has filled my childhood with joy, made me a sincere friendship, took an extra step on the path of life, saw more scenery, and gained more happiness in life. Thank you, Tea. In this lifetime, it was my luck to ‘meet’ you!


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