


细抿一口,唇齿留香;杯中乾坤,品味人生。   茶,作为一种饮品,深受广大群众喜爱。其味苦,甚至有点涩。为什么无数人迷之,把它当做一种更高的境界来细细品味?我一直百思不得其解。   期中考试来了,又走了。成绩单如雪一般悄然无息地发了下来。第一名?不是我。第二名,第三名,我急切的眼神最终定格在了第五名。嗬,第五名,竟退了四名。我的心很快冷却下来,甚至能“扑通扑通 ”地听到心脏在跳动。周围的喧杂,与我的内心相比,愈发显得冷了。究竟,我还是考砸了。   漠然地与同学走在回家的路上,强颜欢笑,和他们谈着。他们都进步了,我却退步了,真不知道是该感到高兴还是悲伤,尽管在他们的眼里,我很优秀。   夜渐渐的黑了,大道两旁的霓虹灯,小巷里的狗吠。一个城市的繁荣,也不过如此了。   悄悄地打开门,噢,家里没人。我静悄悄地坐在椅子上,傻傻地想着,为什么我会考得这么差。想了好久,风不停地敲打着玻璃,隐约中,是爸爸的叫声。我缓缓地下了楼,蹑手蹑脚地跟在他的后面,进到车里,去一家鱼馆吃晚饭。车如梦一般开到了霓虹闪烁的公路上,车窗上凝结了一层雾,模糊了灯光,也模糊了我的眼睛。   车停了,哦,到了。我如梦初醒一般,恍惚地走进鱼馆,尽管爸爸没有问我的成绩。


鱼馆的生意很好,来此吃者络绎不决。首先上的,是一壶茶,极其苦的茶。爸爸给我倒了一杯,茶色的茶水中,零零星星地飘浮着舒展的茶叶。“喝吧,暖暖身子。”我捧起茶杯,一阵沁人的芳香直扑双鼻。茶水很烫,我只得边吹边喝,但不管怎样,改变不了的,是它无尽苦味里透过的一丝丝甜。喝完了,再倒,又喝,再倒。菜还没来,我的胃已充满了无尽的苦和香。我终于喝下了最后的一杯茶,竟透着无尽的甜。我的味蕾没有错!是那种如丝糖一般的绵稠,那么甜,是苦尽甘来的甜。我没有说什么,但心中却不再那么纠结了。   茶中的乾坤,竟是如此简单、明了。坐在电脑前写这篇作文的我笑了。茶,本来就这么苦,因你,那种苦,也可以是甜。

Take a small sip, leaving a lingering fragrance on your lips and teeth; In the cup of heaven and earth, savor life. Tea, as a beverage, is deeply loved by the general public. Its taste is bitter, even a bit astringent. Why are countless people obsessed with it and savor it as a higher realm? I have been puzzled by it. The mid-term exam has arrived and left again. The transcript was quietly sent out like snow. First place? It’s not me. In second place and third place, my eager gaze finally fixed on fifth place. Oh, fifth place, but unexpectedly dropped four places. My heart quickly cooled down, and I could even hear it thumping. The hustle and bustle around me became even colder compared to my inner self. After all, I still failed the exam. Walking indifferently with classmates on the way home, forcing a smile and talking to them. They have all made progress, but I have regressed. I really don’t know whether to feel happy or sad, even though in their eyes, I am excellent. The night gradually darkened, with neon lights on both sides of the main road and barking dogs in the alleys. The prosperity of a city is nothing more than that. Open the door quietly, oh, there’s no one at home. I sat quietly in the chair, foolishly thinking, why did I do so poorly in the exam. After thinking for a long time, the wind kept pounding on the glass, vaguely speaking, it was Dad’s cry. I slowly went downstairs, tiptoed after him, got into the car, and went to a fish restaurant for dinner. The car drove like a dream onto the neon road, and a layer of fog condensed on the windows, blurring the lights and my eyes. The car has stopped, oh, here it is. I walked into the fish shop as if waking up from a dream, even though my dad didn’t ask about my grades.


The business of the fish restaurant is very good, and there is a constant stream of diners coming here. The first thing I served was a pot of tea, which was extremely bitter. Dad poured me a cup, and in the brown tea, there were scattered and stretched tea leaves floating. Drink it, warm yourself up. “I picked up the tea cup and a refreshing aroma rushed straight to my nose. The tea was very hot, and I had to drink it while blowing, but no matter what, what couldn’t be changed was the hint of sweetness that permeated through its endless bitterness. After drinking, pour again, drink again, pour again. Before the dishes arrived, my stomach was filled with endless bitterness and fragrance. I finally drank the last cup of tea, which was filled with endless sweetness. My taste buds are not wrong! It’s the kind of soft and thick like silk candy, so sweet, it’s the sweetness that comes from suffering. I didn’t say anything, but my heart was no longer so entangled. The universe in tea is so simple and clear. I smiled while sitting in front of the computer writing this essay. Tea is already so bitter, because of you, that kind of bitterness can also be sweet.


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