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Green tea has a light and bitter taste, making it the most suitable companion for books. The most enjoyable thing is to pick up a masterpiece and have a pot of fragrant tea as a companion.


In the scorching summer heat, the scenes of fighting and killing in “Water Margin”, as well as the mixed names and relationships in each chapter, make my heart even more anxious. In front of me were dense small characters, often turning a page but forgetting the content of the previous one. I want to put down the book in my hand, but my homework requires me to finish reading this classic, so I have to drink tea to calm my mind. The Lu’an Gua Pian tea was brewed in the glass, and the green tea leaves had already relaxed. The sun shone, shining with a hint of light. Unconsciously, after half a cup of tea, I had already calmed down and successfully read this book.


After this incident, I realized that green tea could have been a refreshing sight. From then on, the journey of reading time after time is always accompanied by tea.


If one of the favorite teas among the old Beijing people is jasmine tea, it must be. The hundreds of year old old brand Zhang Yiyuan from Qianmen often produces only a few dozen pounds of high end flower tea every day, which often leads to overcrowding and oversupply. But I prefer to drink a cup of scented tea while studying at night.


At the end of the day, the self-study time every night is always particularly difficult. The accumulation of homework all over the table and the joy of going home always makes the evening self-study less practical at this time. After looking at the blackboard and screen all day, my eyes were even more sour and astringent, feeling extremely tired. Whenever this happens, I always like to make a cup of floral tea. First, smoke your eyes with hot air and take a sip. Always refreshed and refreshed, the spiritual platform became clear, and then continued to learn.


Unconsciously, a few years after I had already read the “Tea Classic”, tea became increasingly intimate with me. In life, my favorite thing to do has also become drinking tea. When I grew up and studied, it was this cup of tea that accompanied and helped me. I gradually realized that tea is indispensable to my life.


Pan-fried yellow stamen color, gently winding dust flowers; Invite to accompany the bright moon after night, and face the morning glow before dawn; Wash all the people of ancient and modern times tirelessly, how can we boast when we are about to get drunk! The only word for ‘tea’ is Yun’er.


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